Police Capacity Building & Security Sector Reform:
Police Basic and Pre-Deployment Training
On democratic policing, reform and capacity building in post-conflict zones:
“Democratic policing is an ongoing process given that it takes generations to build a police service. Police will evolve as the society evolves.”
Luis Miguel Carrilho
UN Police Commissioner, UNMIT
Dili, 22 April 2010
Introduction |
The deployment of International Police Officers (IPOs) are an important instrument within the context of Peace Support Operations and Peace Building. In a domestic setting, unlike their military counterparts, these officers are already familiar with socio-cultural, religious and ethnic conflict, albeit on a lower scale.
International Police Mission normally involve the observation, mentoring, training and monitoring of local police performing their duties according to national and international standards and regulations.
In Kosovo (UNMIK) – and later East Timor (UNMIT) – International Police Officers (IPOs) were invested with full executive police enforcement authority to carry out regular police work, whilst re-establishing a local presence. Successive mission shave placed emphasis on mentoring and training through International Police Advisors (IPAs).
Through this work, International Police participate in developing and educating national police services, thereby furthering international police standards.
Regardless whether the Police Mission is Executive or Non-Executive, Obervation-based or Mentoring, to operate under such conditions, International Police must be adequately prepared and trained. It is especially important that they are familiar with the relevant principles and standards of international law.
Overview |
International Police are expected to arrive in the mission area fully qualified to perform their assigned tasks. The aim and purpose of this training programme is to provide police officers with the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to serve as an International Police Officer (IPO) in a peace support operation under the authority of the UN, EU, and OSCE, as well as in bilateral and coalition operations.
Objectives |
After completion of the training, the participants shall:
- Understand the United Nations – and/or relevant regional organisation – concept of operation, including legal framework and authority
- Understand the International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement and how they apply to international policing and enforcement
- Demonstrate a broad understanding on safety and security procedures
- Have a broad understanding of the Mission and intent
- Understand the role and function of International Police Officers within the Mission
- Possess sufficient field skills and mission-specific background knowledge appropriate for immediate deployment
Curriculum |
1. Organisation, History and Structure |
United Nations
- Charter of United Nations
- Legal Framework
- Peacekeeping
- Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
- Concept of Operations
European Union
- European External Action Service (EEAS)
- Security & Defence (CSDP)
African Union
2. International Relations |
- Stategic Studies and Conflict Theory
- Culture and Intervention
- Causality and Consequence
- History, Geo-Politics and Economics
- Stability and Peacekeeping Operations
- Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
- Peace Support Operations, Peacebuilding and Development
- Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA)
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- International, Regional and State Actors
- legal framework
- role and function
- mandate
- effectiveness & limitations
3. International Law and Human Rights |
Rule of Law
- capacity development
- complaints mechanism
- access to justice
- corruption
- legal systems, applicable law, conflict of laws and jurisdiction
- humanitarian law
Security Sector Governance
- reform
- role and function
- ethics and code of conduct
- mandate
- effectiveness & limitations
- oversight, transparency and accountability
Human Rights
- history, development, mission relevance
- legal instruments and mechanisms
- human rights, ethics, code of conduct and police
- International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement
Human Security and Protection
- discrimination, hate, gender and vulnerable groups
- economic, social and cultural
- Gender rmainstreaming
4. Mission Geopolitcal Background |
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- mission geography
- situation assessment
- history and political background
- primary actors and protagonists
- mission mandate
- current status
- crime
- judicial
- security (military, police, militia deployment, loyalties, morale)
- state of economy
- logistics
- infrastructure etc.
5. Police Mission: Job Specific and Subject Matter Tasks |
- strategic and operation management
- observing, mentoring and monitoring
- training and facilitation
- policy reform and capacity building
- staff duties and reporting
- executive policing and investigations
- humanitarian assistance
6. Field Skills |
- strategic planning
- Code of Conduct
- Use fo Force
- radio procedure
- navigation
- hygiene and samitation
- health (physical and psycholoigical)
- peer support
- environmental awareness
- mine awareness
- hostage scenario
7. Field Exercise |
- Mission Simulation and Problem Solving Exercises
- Mission Orientation and Awareness Training
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