Disclaimer and Terms of Use

This website and content has been prepared as a public relations interface and resource hub for SAINT | Security Sector Development (known hereafter as SAINT | SSD).

Whilst SAINT | SSD has used reasonable care in compiling the content of the site, it makes no warranty (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on the site or published by third parties referred to by a link from the site.

By accessing this site, you agree that, to the extent permitted by law, SAINT | SSD  shall in no event be liable for any damages whatsoever (including special, indirect or consequential damages), whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with:

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  2. the performance or non-performance of the site itself.

The provision of services by SAINT | SSD is subject to our Code of Conduct and standard conditions of contract for such services.

Programme concept remains the property of Simon de Saint-Claire, PhD, trading as SAINT | Security Sector Development.

Resource materials used are public domain and/or copyright free. Any copyrighted material used has been with the consent of the owner or assumed due to the use-specific and non-commercial nature of the Resource section.

Resource material written and designed by Simon de Saint-Claire – although subject to intellectual property – can be considered Public Domain for non-commercial educational use, provided due credit and acknowledgement is given to the author.

This site itself is protected by copyright, and belongs to Simon de Saint-Claire, PhD (trading as “SAINT | Security Sector Development“) . You must not adapt, modify or re-use the text or graphics from the site without the prior written consent of Simon de Saint-Claire, PhD.


Questions and comments regarding SAINT| SSD‘s Terms of Use are welcomed and should be addressed to: info@saint-ssd.org